CC-BY 4.0, Sandra Lehecka


Project Kick-Off Meeting, May 7, 2019, Vienna, Austria

Visualization Creativity Workshop, February 27, 2020, Vienna, Austria

This “Visualization Creativity Workshop” was jointly organized by the DYLEN and the DYSEN project at the ÖAW. In booth projects, one of the goals are to develop web-based interactive tools to visualize DH data in different ways. Since both projects also follow a user-centered design and development methodology for this goal, it’s important to work closely with domain collaborators to explore useful applications of visualization for our tool. In this half-day workshop we shared our ideas about the possible functions and features of such tools and conduct creative storyboarding methods to conceptualize them. The workshop was attended by several researchers with different background from the humanities and social siences and computer sciences (from linguistics over history to media studies etc.) who got creative together.

Workshop: Österreichisches Treffen zu Sentimentinferenz (ÖTSI) Österreichische Linguistik-Tagung 2021

Together with the DYSEN Project we organized the ÖSTSI Workshop at the ÖLT conference on Decemeber, 11 2021. Due to the pandemic situation, the workshop was held online.